One of the Show benches
Judging in Progress
Judging in Progress
Judging in Progress
Farrer Medal
Best plant in the Show
Ian Robertson, Shaftesbury
Cyclamen maritimum
Farrer Medal
Best plant in the Show
Ian Robertson, Shaftesbury
Cyclamen maritimum
Farrer Medal
Best plant in the Show
Ian Robertson, Shaftesbury
Cyclamen maritimum
AGS Medal
Class 38 - 6 pans rock plants; not more
than three of any one genus
Bob & Rannveig Wallis, Carmarthen
Leicester Group Trophy
best pan in cone, seed, fruit or autumn
coloured foliage
Barry Winter, Stockton-on-Tee
Gaultheria mucronata
Minera Trophy
best bulbous plant in Intermediate & Novice
Jon Evans, Farnham
Colchicum cupanii ssp cousturieri
Crosshall Goblet
best plant in Novice Section
Ben Parmee, Chandlers Ford
Gentiana 'Inverleith'
Lee & Julie Martin
Flower Arrangement
Thorpe Acre Trophy
most first prize points in Artistic Sections
Jean Morris, Berkhamsted
Art & Craft Trophy
best painting, drawing or needlework
Rannveig Wallis, Carmarthen
Corydalis popovii
Certificate of Merit
plant or exhibit of outstanding merit
Lee & Julie Martin, Pevensey
Crocus goulimyi ssp leucanthus
Certificate of Merit
plant or exhibit of outstanding merit
Ian Robertson, Shaftesbury
Cyclamen maritimum