Farrer Medal
Best Plant in the Show
Lee & Julie Martin, Pevensey
Dianthus squarrosus
AGS Medal
Class 1 - 6 pans rock plants distinct
Lee & Julie Martin, Pevensey
AGS Medal
Class 41 - 6 pans rock plants distinct
not more than two of any one genus
Cecilia Coller, Norwich
Ken Aslet Trophy
most first prize points in Section B
Robert Amos, Biggleswade
East Anglia Trophy
most first prize points in Section C
Tony Hale, Stevenage
Ralph Haywood Trophy
best dwarf shrub
Lee & Julie Martin, Pevensey
Rhododendron 'Maricee'
Sudbury Prize
best pan of bulbs
Cecilia Coller, Norwich
Fritillaria camschatcensis
Suffolk Trophy
best plant in flower in Section B
Ashley Sadler, Snettisham
Androsace studiosorum 'Doksa'
Barbara Tingey Trophy
best pan of fern
Alan & Janet Cook, Dinton
Asplenium ceterach
Certificate of Merit
plant or exhibit of outstanding merit
Ray Drew, Laindon
Lemmaphyllum microphyllum
Certificate of Merit
plant or exhibit of outstanding merit
Cecilia Coller, Norwich
Rhododendron 'Yaku Fairy'
Certificate of Merit
plant or exhibit of outstanding merit
Alan & Janet Cook, Dinton
Lewisia cotyledon
Certificate of Merit
plant or exhibit of outstanding merit
Paul & Gill Ranson, Chippenham
Calceolaria uniflora