The Plants
The Artistic Section
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Farrer Medal
best plant in the Show
Lee & Julie Martin, Pevensey
Androsace studiosorum
Farrer Medal
best plant in the Show
Lee & Julie Martin, Pevensey
Androsace studiosorum
Farrer Medal
best plant in the Show
Lee & Julie Martin, Pevensey
Androsace studiosorum
Farrer Medal
best plant in the Show
Lee & Julie Martin, Pevensey
Androsace studiosorum with Viola pedata bicolor, Serapias lingua
Lee & Julie Martin
Viola pedata bicolor
RHS Sewell Medal
Class 1 - 6 pans rock plants distinct
Cecilia Coller, Norwich
RHS Sewell Medal
Class 1 - 6 pans rock plants distinct
Cecilia Coller, Norwich
Paeonia cambessedessii
RHS Sewell Medal
Class 1 - 6 pans rock plants distinct
Cecilia Coller, Norwich
Erythronium californicum
Royal Bank of Scotland Trophy
Class 47 - 6 pans rock plants distinct
not more than two of any one genus
Cecilia Coller, Norwich
Royal Bank of Scotland Trophy
Class 47 - 6 pans rock plants distinct
not more than two of any one genus
Cecilia Coller, Norwich
Anna Griffith Memorial Trophy
most first prize points Open(2) B(2) and C
Cecilia Coller, Norwich
Class 81 - 6 pans from seed
Anna Griffith Memorial Trophy
most first prize points Open(2) B(2) and C
Cecilia Coller, Norwich
Class 81 - 6 pans from seed
David Philbey
12 pans any one genus
George Gable Memorial Trophy
best pan of Ericaceae
Richard Clements, Pershore
Cassiope 'Beatrice Lilley'
George Gable Memorial Trophy
best pan of Ericaceae
Richard Clements, Pershore
Cassiope 'Beatrice Lilley'
Audrey Bartholomew Memorial Spoon
best plant from North America
Cecilia Coller, Norwich
Anemonella thalictrioides
Audrey Bartholomew Memorial Spoon
best plant from North America
Cecilia Coller, Norwich
Anemonella thalictrioides
Muriel Hodgman Art Award
most first prize points in the Art Section
Kathleen Baker, Llanarthney
Dawson Trophy
most first prize points in the Photographic
Jon Evans, Farnham
Dawson Trophy
most first prize points in the Photographic
Jon Evans, Farnham
Gold Award
exhibit of outstanding merit
West Surrrey AGS Group,
Educational Exhibit of Photographs
Certificate of Merit
plant or exhibit of outstanding merit
Cecilia Coller, Norwich
Epimedium davidii
Certificate of Merit
plant or exhibit of outstanding merit
Cecilia Coller, Norwich
Epimedium davidii
Certificate of Merit
plant or exhibit of outstanding merit
Cecilia Coller, Norwich
Epimedium davidii
Certificate of Merit
plant or exhibit of outstanding merit
Cecilia Coller, Norwich
Epimedium davidii
Certificate of Merit
plant or exhibit of outstanding merit
Jim McGregor, Worcester
Fritillaria olivieri
Certificate of Merit
plant or exhibit of outstanding merit
Jim McGregor, Worcester
Fritillaria olivieri
Certificate of Merit
plant or exhibit of outstanding merit
Jim McGregor, Worcester
Fritillaria olivieri
Certificate of Merit
plant or exhibit of outstanding merit
Ray Drew, Laindon
Dicentra cuccularia 'Carl Gehenio'
Certificate of Merit
plant or exhibit of outstanding merit
Ray Drew, Laindon
Dicentra cuccularia 'Carl Gehenio'
Certificate of Merit
plant or exhibit of outstanding merit
Ray Drew, Laindon
Dicentra cuccularia 'Carl Gehenio'
Certificate of Merit
plant or exhibit of outstanding merit
Ray Drew, Laindon
Dicentra cuccularia 'Carl Gehenio'
Certificate of Merit
plant or exhibit of outstanding merit
Dick & Valerie Bathe, Ware
Calanthe discolor
Certificate of Merit
plant or exhibit of outstanding merit
Dick & Valerie Bathe, Ware
Calanthe discolor
David Philbey
Class 43 - miniature garden
Joy Bishop
Iris iberica subsp. lycotis
Cecilia Coller
Iris barbadagica
Dick & Valerie Bathe
Narcissus bulbocodium obesus
Dick & Valerie Bathe
Narcissus 'Solveigs Song'?
Dick & Valerie Bathe
Arisaema thunbergii subsp. hirashima
Cecilia Coller
Kalmia polifolia var microphylla
Ray Drew
Primula oreodoxa
Ann & Michael Morton
Primula albenensis
David Philbey
Primula auricula
Jim McGregor
Androsace vandellii
Lee & Julie Martin
Cyclamen persicum
Lee & Julie Martin
Cyclamen persicum
Ray Drew
Cyclamen creticum
Ray Drew
Cyclamen creticum
Ray Drew
Cyclamen pseudibericum
Dick & Val Bathe
Calanthe sieboldii
Cecilia Coller
Pleione grandiflora
Cecilia Coller
Pleione grandiflora
Ray Drew
Allium perdulce
Ray Drew
Allium perdulce
Lee & Julie Martin
Viola pedata bicolor
Joy Bishop
Silene californica
Cecilia Coller
Lamium microphyllum
Joy Bishop
Daphne petraea 'Michelle'
Cecilia Coller
Paeonia cambessedii
Cecilia Coller
Hebenstretia dura
Cecilia Coller
Hebenstretia dura
Jim McGregor
Lewisia tweedyi
Richard Clements
Gentiana verna
Joy Bishop
Gentiana acaulis 'Froeleiten'