View of the Hall
View of the Hall
View of the Hall
Farrer Medal
best plant in the Show
Lee & Julie Martin, Pevensey
Crocus goulimyi 'Mani White'
Farrer Medal
best plant in the Show
Lee & Julie Martin, Pevensey
Crocus goulimyi 'Mani White'
Farrer Medal
best plant in the Show
Lee & Julie Martin, Pevensey
Crocus goulimyi 'Mani White'
Farrer Medal
best plant in the Show
Lee & Julie Martin, Pevensey
Crocus goulimyi 'Mani White'
Farrer Medal
best plant in the Show
Lee & Julie Martin, Pevensey
Crocus goulimyi 'Mani White'
Farrer Medal
best plant in the Show
Lee & Julie Martin, Pevensey
Crocus goulimyi 'Mani White'
Saunders Spoon
best Cyclamen
Mike &Christine Brown , West Kirby
Cyclamen cilicium
Saunders Spoon
best Cyclamen
Mike &Christine Brown , West Kirby
Cyclamen cilicium
Saunders Spoon
best Cyclamen
Mike &Christine Brown , West Kirby
Cyclamen cilicium
Saunders Spoon
best Cyclamen
Mike &Christine Brown , West Kirby
Cyclamen cilicium
Halsted Trophy
best plant in seed raised classes
George Elder, Cardiff
Polyxena ensifolia
Halsted Trophy
best plant in seed raised classes
George Elder, Cardiff
Polyxena ensifolia
Halsted Trophy
best plant in seed raised classes
George Elder, Cardiff
Polyxena ensifolia
Certificate of Merit
plant or exhibit of outstanding merit
Lee & Julie Martin, Pevensey
Crocus boryi 'feathered form'
Certificate of Merit
plant or exhibit of outstanding merit
Lee & Julie Martin, Pevensey
Crocus boryi 'feathered form'
Certificate of Merit
plant or exhibit of outstanding merit
Lee & Julie Martin, Pevensey
Crocus boryi 'feathered form'
Certificate of Merit
plant or exhibit of outstanding merit
Lee & Julie Martin, Pevensey
Crocus boryi 'feathered form'
Certificate of Merit
plant or exhibit of outstanding merit
Lee & Julie Martin, Pevensey
Crocus boryi 'feathered form'
Artistic Section
Artistic Section
Kath Baker
Himantoglossum robertianum - botanical painting
Bob & Rannveig Wallis
Class 30 - 2nd place
Bob & Rannveig Wallis
Class 1 - 3 pans rock plants distinct
Bob & Rannveig Wallis
Class 3 - 3 pans Cyclamen
Cecilia Coller
Class 31 - 3 pans Rock Plants
Keith & Rachel Lever
Class 31 - 2nd place
Lee & Julie Martin
Class 33 - 3 pans single genus
George Elder
Class 33 - 3 pans single genus - 2nd place
Cecilia Coller
Class 39 - 3 pans bulbous plants
Cecilia Coller
Class 53 - 3 pans from seed
Class 8 - 3 bulbous plants
Cecilia Coller
Allium Callimischon subsp. haemostictum
Cecilia Coller
Allium Callimischon subsp. haemostictum
Alan Blackman
Colchicum cupanii glasophyllum
Bob & Rannveig Wallis
Narcissus miniatus
Bob & Rannveig Wallis
Narcissus miniatus
Ivor Betteridge
Nerine humilis subsp humilis
Ivor Betteridge
Nerine humilis subsp humilis
Cecilia Coller
Galanthus peshmennii
Mike & Christine Brown
Galanthus reginae-olgae
Bob & Rannveig Wallis
Ipheon roseum
George Elder
Polyxena longituba
George Elder
Polyxena pygmaea
Barry Tattersall
Diplodium coccineum
Lee & Julie Martin
Flower arrangement
Keith & Rachel Lever
Myrteola Nummularifolia
Ian Sharpe
Petrocosmea forestii
George Elder
Strumaria chaplinii
George Elder
Strumaria salteri
George Elder
Strumaria salteri