View of a summer show - small but full of colour
Judging - serious stuff
Judging - concentration
Judging - fierce discussion
Farrer Medal
best plant in the Show
Lee & Julie Martin, Pevensey
Alstromeria hookeri
Farrer Medal
best plant in the Show
Lee & Julie Martin, Pevensey
Alstromeria hookeri
Farrer Medal
best plant in the Show
Lee & Julie Martin, Pevensey
Alstromeria hookeri
Farrer Medal
best plant in the Show
Lee & Julie Martin, Pevensey
Alstromeria hookeri
AGS Medal
Class 1 - 6 pans rock plants distinct
Cecilia Coller, Norwich
AGS Medal
Class 36 - 6 pans rock plants
Cecilia Coller, Norwich
Glebelands Trophy
weirdest plant
Gerry Downey, Frinton-on-Sea
Ophioglossum vulgatum
Florence Baker Memorial Trophy
most first prize points in Section B
Jenny Bourne, Dawlish
Campanula fragilis
Dudfield Cup
most first prize points in Section C
Peter Summers, Chipping Sodbury
Lewisia 'George Henley'
Wessex Water Trophy
best plant in Section C
Marie Paginton, Malvern
Athyrium 'Kalothrix'
Certificate of Merit
plant or exhibit of outstanding merit
Lee & Julie Martin, Pevensey
Thymus cilicius
Certificate of Merit
plant or exhibit of outstanding merit
Lee & Julie Martin, Pevensey
Thymus cilicius
Certificate of Merit
plant or exhibit of outstanding merit
Lee & Julie Martin, Pevensey
Thymus cilicius
Certificate of Merit
plant or exhibit of outstanding merit
Cecilia Coller, Norwich
Gladiolus flanaganii
Certificate of Merit
plant or exhibit of outstanding merit
Chris Birchall, Cullompton
Epipactis gigantea
Certificate of Merit
plant or exhibit of outstanding merit
Ivor Betteridge, Ashby-de-la-Zou
Deinanthe caerulea
Certificate of Merit
plant or exhibit of outstanding merit
Ivor Betteridge, Ashby-de-la-Zou
Deinanthe caerulea
Chas & Rita Carter
Trachelium asperuloides
Cecilia Coller
Campanula alliariifolia
Alan Chambers
Campanula fragilis
Tony Lee
Campanula rotundifolia
Cecilia Coller
Wahlenbergia stricta
Cecilia Coller
Monopsis unidentata
Hedi & Jim Hancox
Rhododendron nakaharae 'Marika'
Diane Clement
Lilium aff lankogense
Brian & Shelagh Smethurst
Stylidium graminifolium
Bob & Rannveig Wallis
Ponerorchis graminifolius
Ian Sharpe
Ponerorchis graminifolia
Gerry Downey
Graptopetalum bellum
Geoff Parker
Conandron ramondioides
Geoff Parker
Conandron ramondioides
George Elder
Streptocarpus dunnii
Cecilia Coller
Arisaema saxatile
Janet Aspland
Allium kurzianum ACW 2372
Paul & Gill Ranson
Cheilanthes fendleri
Martin & Anna Sheader
Ourisia microphylla 'Alba'
Martin & Anna Sheader
Ourisia bitternensis 'Cliftonville Damask'
Martin & Anna Sheader
Ourisia bitternensis 'Cliftonville Ling'
Martin & Anna Sheader
Ourisia bitternensis 'Cliftonville Pink'
Martin & Anna Sheader
Ourisia bitternensis 'Cliftonville Rondo'
Martin & Anna Sheader
Ourisia bitternensis 'Cliftonville Primrose'